Quick & Delicious Tomato/Basil Bruschetta
May 14th, 2015 by Kate

Here’s Max and Alex’s recipe for tomato/basil bruschetta

Ingredients Needed:
3 of the ripest reddest tomatoes you can find (medium to large size…not grape or plum tomatoes)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
8 slices of french bread (or other crusty bread)
8 leaves of basil:
1 clove of garlic: peeled and cut in half
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash hands 🙂
Wash tomatoes and basil
Cut tomatoes into quarters
Grate pulp off of tomatoes into a bowl (discard skins) Use a box grater*:
Add 1 tablespoon olive oil
Add salt and pepper to taste
Toast slices of bread in toaster You can also grill the bread on a grill pan or on a real grill, but we usually burn it. Toaster = safer.
Rub cut garlic on bread as soon as it comes out of toaster
Tear basil leaves into 2 or 3 pieces
Spoon tomato mix on top of bread, top with basil leaves. ENJOY!!!

*You can also grate tomatoes if you are making tomato sauce: much faster than cutting them up.
Tomato bruschetta

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