Kids Dinner No. 16: Sunday, June 14, 2015
June 15th, 2015 by Kate

Today we went strawberry picking so strawberries had to be part of the dinner menu, and ended up as strawberry shortcake. Max decided he wanted a healthy version of fish and chips, along with a salad with goat cheese in it so they made oven-roasted potato wedges with breaded cod filets (baked, not deep fried). Along side that was an arugula, goat cheese and cranberry salad, and of course, the strawberry shortcake. It was delicious and nice to see the kids eating fish!! The kids did the classic flour/egg/bread crumb coating for the fish with two important highlights: the bread crumbs were home made (we try to freeze/toast/and then turn into bread crumbs any of those ends of loaves that otherwise no one eats) AND, after they flour/egg/bread crumb-coated the fish, they put it in the fridge for 15 minutes. For some reason, chilling it seems to help the bread crumbs stick to the fish (or chicken or whatever).

Strawberrypicking 6-14Shortcakes6-14Strawberryshortcake6-14
Fullmeal6-14BreadedFishOven-roasted Potatoes20150614_204129

One Response  
  • Max writes:
    June 20th, 20159:45 pmat

    The fish and chips presented a challenge because we tried to make it as healthy as it was nutritious. Because of this, the chips were oven-roasted, instead of deep-fried.

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