Farmer’s Market Lunch: Wednesday, September 23, 2015
September 28th, 2015 by Kate

We had the day off from school on Wednesday, Sept. 23 so we visited our local Farmer’s Market (on Greenwich Street in lower Manhattan) with our mom.  We went there to give them our compost but the amazing fruit and vegetables inspired us to make a Farmer’s Market Lunch, primarily using ingredients from the Market.   It was simple but delicious and was based on the pears, tomatoes, mushrooms and corn on the cob we bought.  We added a few things we had at home and made a walnut, goat cheese, pear salad with the pears (and also had the pears for dessert), sauteed the mushrooms in butter and had them on sliced french bread, boiled the corn (it was super tender) and just sliced the tomatoes and drizzled them with extra virgin olive oil and a little salt and pepper.

Farmer's Market Bounty

Farmer’s Market Bounty

Slicing mushrooms

Slicing mushrooms

Slicing Tomatoes

Slicing Tomatoes

Tomatoes with EVO, salt & pepper...all you need

Tomatoes with EVO, salt & pepper…all you need

Pear, walnut and goat  cheese salad

Pear, walnut and goat cheese salad

Ready to eat!

Ready to eat!

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