Tonight we were inspired by a website called that our friend (and amazing cook/photographer) Christine Wong mentioned to us. We made turkey sloppy joes, lemon-dill-quinoa-chickpea salad and sweet potato and regular potato oven-roasted fries. We also made apple pie that we decorated with pastry pumpkins, bats and stars. The apple pie was NOT from the website but it was still delicious. What we are liking now is playing around with recipes…changing things a little . For example, we weren’t sure that we would like the taste of Worcestershire sauce (an ingredient in the sloppy joes) so we only added half the amount. Then we added a little more. We also suspected that the amount of tomatoes in the sloppy joes might overpower the turkey, sp we only added 2/3 of the suggested amount of tomatoes (STILL TOO MUCH).
It was also fun to cook the quinoa. It starts off as a tiny seed and then when it cooks, it opens up and a tiny sprout comes out and curls around. We liked it but it definitely needs to have other stuff with it. It was good in the salad but by itself it was a little bland. Next time we are going to try it with chunks of avocado and maybe corn.
Full dinner
Cutting onion for sloppy joes and potatoes for oven roasted fries
Fries ready to go in oven
Ingredients for sloppy joes, grated carrots, onions, garlic, turkey & tomatoes
Cooking sloppy joes
Final product…sloppy joes
Cooked quinoa
Lemon-dill-quinoa-chickpea salad
Cutting apples for pie
Cutting slit in pie crust so steam can escape
Pie about to go in oven
Baked Apple Pie!