Dinner No. 58: Sunday, June 19, 2016: Father’s Day Celebration
June 20th, 2016 by Kate

This weekend we celebrated Father’s Day by making one of dad’s favorite meals: STEAK.  Luckily it’s one of ours as well.  We also made corn on the cob, a big salad and home made strawberry ice cream–from strawberries Alex and Mom picked Saturday morning.  They picked 20 pounds! We also experimented with some other things, including making fresh mint tea (from our own mint) and of course we made some strawberry daquiris (no rum) as well. Here are some of the photo highlights:


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We also made dad breakfast on Father’s Day: scrambled eggs with chives from our garden, fresh berry salad and bagels (we didn’t make those)

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And here’s the mint tea: first we steeped fresh mint in boiling water, then strained it and added a little sweetener.  Finally we cooled it and served it over ice! Super refreshing on a hot day.

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