Monday, June 27, 2016: Churros!
June 30th, 2016 by Kate

(This is Max): in Spanish class, the teacher decided that we should have an end-of-year celebration, where we would eat and get to experience the food of several Hispanic cultures. I decided that I wanted to make something for this celebration, so I decided on the delicious dessert Churros. Churros are present in many different Spanish cultures, and are also very tasty.  They are sort of like deep-fried long donuts dipped in cinnamon sugar (but better).  Since we don’t have a deep fryer we decided to make them a less traditional and more healthy way – we baked them.  I researched recipes and found one that seemed both simple and delicious and voila: we made them.  (This is Alex):  Max let me help me and the most fun part of making them was putting the dough in a pastry bag with a star shaped tip and piping the churros out.  We liked making them (and tasting them) so much that we made two batches: one for Max’s class party and one just for the family. The first time we made them pretty small but the second time (for the family) we made them 8 inch plus (and dipped them in hot chocolate!!!! YUM)

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(second batch…all for us!!!!) PS Dad is so happy that he gets to try them because we wouldn’t let him have any of the ones for Max’s class.

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