Tuesday, Dec. 13: LAB 320
December 16th, 2016 by Kate

This is Max: Today after school my friends and I visited a cool ice cream place: Lab 320.  Definitely worth stopping by, but maybe when it’s a little warmer out!


They spread out liquid ice cream on sort of a reverse crepe machine (it’s super cold instead of hot).  Then they scoop up strips of the ice cream and roll it up.  I ordered the banana rolled ice cream, which was really good, especially with fresh banans on top.  The other thing is cereal balls dipped in nitrogen. The nitrogen almost stings your tongue, but it’s very cool. It produces a vapor when you eat it.  (They call it Dragon’s Breath)That being said, you must eat it within four minutes of getting it, or its just overpriced cereal.

lab320      lab320a


Another thing my friend got was Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream. While it was churning they added nitrogen to it.

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