Monday, January 23, 2017: Dinner No. 77: Skirt Steak, Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Brownies
January 23rd, 2017 by Kate

This weekend we cooked a lot: not just Sunday dinner but we also helped out on Saturday, when we had guests over and made barbecued brisket, baked potatoes, corn-on-the-cob and kale salad.  For Sunday dinner we tried a new cut of meat: skirt steak.  We loved it!  Really tasty and fast to cook.  We did marinate it overnight in a dry spice rub (onion powder, garlic powder, paprika and salt and pepper) but then we just cooked it on high heat about 3 minutes a side.  The key to preparing it, however, is cutting it against the grain.  We also made a huge amount of roasted brussel sprouts (because mom loves them).

Here’s the before, during and after of the skirt steak:

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And the brussel sprouts (quartered, de-cored and tossed in olive oil and salt and pepper)

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And our world famous brownies…  with melted chocolate chip frosting

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