Sunday, April 4, 2019: More COVID Comfort Cooking: Turkey Chili
April 9th, 2020 by Kate

This morning I wanted to make more comfort food so I decided to make turkey chili in a slow cooker.  This is a really easy recipe, plus it uses a lot of beans (and my mom bought a lot of beans).  Ingredients are ground turkey, black beans, red beans, white beans, tomato sauce, corn, chopped onion, and of course chili powder.


The first (and hardest) step is to chop the onion…I hate chopping onions.

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Then you have to brown the ground turkey in a little olive oil.

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Then you add everything but the corn to the slow cooker: first the turkey, then the beans, then the onions, tomato sauce and chili powder.  You stir and let cook for 4 hours on high, 6-8 on low, and add the corn 30 minutes before serving.

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Here’s what it looks like about 4 hours in, before and after the corn.

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When you are ready to eat, add a few toppings (we had avocado, cheddar cheese and tortilla chips, sour cream is good too if you have it.

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Then it’s time to eat!



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