Monday, June 15, 2020: Strawberry Pie and More
June 16th, 2020 by Max

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This past Saturday we went strawberry picking at a nearby organic berry farm called Thompson Finch.  We wore masks and practiced social distancing and picked 15 pounds of amazing berries. As soon as we got home we made Joe’s shortcakes to go with the strawberries, but we can’t share that recipe because it’s, well, Joe’s recipe.  But they are sweet, moist biscuits (and really good with strawberries and whipped cream.)  (Sometimes they are for sale at Thompson Finch Farm).

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Today, however, I wanted to make a family favorite: strawberry pie.  My mom usually makes it this time of year but I wanted to try myself.  It’s actually really easy.  You need 5 to 6 cups of strawberries, water, corn starch, pre-made graham cracker crust, and sugar.  (You can make the graham cracker crust from scratch but we had one in the cupboard and I still have school, so I chose to use the pre-made one).


First step is to wash and hull the strawberries.  (Hull means to chop off the green leaves and stem).  About 1 cup needs to be set aside to make the strawberry sauce; the rest will go in the pie crust.

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Before I took out the plastic liner from the pie crust, I checked to make sure I had enough berries to fill the pan.  Then I mashed up the other cup to make the sauce.

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Next step was to combine the mashed up strawberries with sugar and bring to a light boil.


Then, mix cornstarch and water, add to the strawberry mix, and drizzle over the berries in the pie pan.

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Finally, you put all the berries and all the sauce in the pie pan and refrigerate for a couple hours.


After dinner, it was ready to eat.  Alex made sweet cream ice cream so I served it with that. Delicious!20200615_203231  20200615_203516


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