Tonight Alex and I wanted to try to recreate one of our favorite meals from Trader Joes: Lemon-Rosemary Marinated Chicken and finally cook the potatoes from our garden (we also harvested rosemary from the garden for the chicken). Ingredients are simple: for the chicken, you need: melted butter, rosemary and lemon; for the potatoes, add butter and milk (or cream if you have it.)
First step was to wash the chicken and make sure there was nothing in there (sometimes giblets/livers are in there) so after I got the chicken out of its plastic covering…harder than it looks, I put on my gloves to clean and wash the chicken. (And there were giblets in there…took those out). Not a fan.
Then it was time to chop the rosemary, melt the butter, squeeze lemon into the butter and add salt and pepper. Alex helped out with the lemon and finishing up the basting sauce.
Then it was time to baste the chicken all over with the lemon-rosemary-butter mix. Alex handled that while I started peeling potatoes.
We both ended up peeling the potatoes, and then put them in a pot of water to wait to cook. The chicken had to cook for at least an hour so we didn’t want to start them to early.
After the chicken had cooked 30 minutes, we started the potatoes and when they were fork tender, I started to mash them, with butter, salt, pepper and cream.
After about an hour, the chicken was done so we served it up with the mashed potatoes. Mom made a quick arugula tomato salad with tomatoes and avocado to round out the plate.
Everything was delicious, however, I think we should have marinated the chicken in olive oil, rosemary, and lemon before we cooked it. Our version tasted good but didn’t have quite the same flavor as Trader Joes.